Course curriculum

    1. Overview

    2. 5w's of Information Evaluation

    3. Choose your Information Adventure

    4. Info Adventure 1: Evaluate an Image

    5. Info Adventure 2: Evaluate a Website

    6. Info Adventure 3: Evaluate Videos

    7. Info Adventure 4: Evaluate Social Media Accounts

    8. Keep Asking Questions

    1. Overview

    2. Information

    3. How much information are we dealing with? 

    4. Information Disorder

    5. Information Disorder Quiz

    6. The Disinformation Disaster

    7. The History of Disinformation

    8. Disinformation Discussion

    9. Keep Asking Questions

    1. Overview

    2. Information survey

    3. Survey results

    4. Where do you get your news?

    5. Social Media and Disinformation

    6. News Before Social Media

    7. Social Media's Impact on News and Information

    8. Fake News

    9. Echo Chambers

    10. Ok, but is fake news really that dangerous?

    11. Trolls and Spoofers

    12. Social Media Influencers

    13. When Influence Turns to Harm

    14. Pros and Cons of a News Media Story

    15. Keep Asking Questions

    1. Overview

    2. Search Engines

    3. How Search Engines Have Changed Over Time

    4. How Do Search Engines Work?

    5. How do Algorithms Work?

    6. How Algorithms Create Filter Bubbles

    7. Algorithms: Facebook Feed

    8. Sock Puppets and Bots on Social Media

    9. Google and Facebook are Big, but Disinformation is Bigger...

    10. What is Google Doing About Disinformation?

    11. Keep Asking Questions

    1. Overview

    2. Evaluation Frameworks

    3. Research Example

    4. SIFT Framework

    5. RADAR Framework

    6. Beyond Evaluation Frameworks

    7. Investigation Using Journalistic Approach

    8. Keep Asking Questions

About this course

  • Free
  • 51 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Learn how to identify and stop the spread of bad information.